Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Do You Love Long Curly Hairstyles

  • Do you have any clue which hairstyle you should choose for your prom? There are long curly hair, updo hairstyle and many awesome celebrities hairstyles. BUT which one perfect your appearance and how can you pick prom dress, prom shoe and bag.

  • When i first see this hairstyle, i guess that girls must look like a princess. So all i can think is a royal blue prom dress and silver shoes and bag with sparkles. 

  • For a girl with blonde curly hair, the most common color i would recommend is red. A one shoulder red prom gown with sequins round the bust is the most reliable choice.

  • So when you pick your shoes and bag, it would better to be sequined bag and shoes which combine with that gown.

Thanks to And more long curly hairstyles are found there.